Interview with Elisabetta.
How long have you been doing what you do and how did you become a psychosynthesis transpersonal coach and a clinical meditation and imagery expert?
I started as teacher and counselor 16 years ago at a very progressive school in Singapore where my family and I were living as expats.
However, my experiences are the foundation of my vocation. This seed of my vocation was planted when I was 6 years old, when the school that I attended used a “shame and blame” pedagogy. As a result, I suffered feelings of disconnection and confusion about my identity.
I was given into care to my grandmother, Olga, a highly respected teacher in Poppi, a beautiful medieval Tuscan village in the Casentino region. In her home I was encouraged and empowered to explore my potential and inner qualities.
Through my grandmother’s teaching, love and empathy, I became an outstanding pupil and a happy little girl. I started to love learning and above all to love myself.
This experience convinced me about the importance of a positive, empathic, non-judgmental approach to life and counseling. I have applied this attitude for years in my relationship with students, where I also motivated dropouts.
Living overseas, I developed my interest of psychology, dedicating most of my work to those in need. Most of the school systems that I have encountered do not address the social and emotional needs of children. In addition, family upbringing, and competitive culture neglects self-expression and exploration of our own potential. I guide my clients to connect with their inner strengths, passions and ultimate life purposes.
Tell us more about your own expatriation experience and how you gained your professional experience.
My husband job moved us, and our three children, around Asia, Australia, France, Italy and the United States, where I had the opportunities to work as a counselor and teacher at very progressive schools.
Our expatriation experiences were not always easy, but I did my best to transform challenges into new opportunities. As a result, I am able to help others in their own process of change.
During our time in Singapore I became certified as a counselor. Additionally to teaching, I then counseled at an international school with students from 65 countries.
After living in Asia, we went to France, where I introduced a new pedagogic approach to the French school system, based on encouraging intercultural communication. This created a new coaching system that allowed students to increase their self-development and self esteem. Later, important pedagogical changes were implemented in the school, thanks to this work.
During our time in Paris, I became certified as a family therapist and psychosynthesis practitioner. At this point I started my work as a therapist.
When things seemed settled, my husband accepted a new job in the United States and we packed our life for a new adventure.
In the U.S., I continued my education in Transpersonal & Personal Coaching, Clinical Meditation and Imagery.
We established our new home in Princeton, New Jersey where I worked as a Transpersonal Coach and organized Women Circles, as well as Meditation & Imagery groups.
Once again, when all was falling into place, my husband accepted a new job in Paris.
And today life continues to unfold in unpredictable ways, but my mission to help others keeps me grounded and ready to serve my clients.
Why Psychosynthesis? How has it changed your life?
Psychosynthesis is my life purpose. It resonates with me because of its comprehensive approach. It has helped me synthesize all parts of who I am, and embrace all aspects of my personality to connect with my deeper self. Once we are aligned with who we truly are, we can then transcend our “problems.“
Psychosynthesis is an invitation to connect with our deeper potential. It is a journey toward wholeness and truth, freeing us from suffering.
This method is very practical, as we can use it in our every day lives. We can experience more authenticity, joy and compassion for others and ourselves.
Who are your clients exactly?
The Find the purpose of your Life Process™ works for a variety of cases as it goes to the core of the human being. Some of the situations that my clients present are:
- A sense of un-accomplishment in the achievement of their goals in personal, professional and relationship fields.
- Existential frustration, lack of motivation, direction or purpose.
- Struggle with self-image and identity.
- Desire for internal discovery and clarity in various stages of life.
- Needing support and empowerment through life transitions
- Anxiety and stress
- Identity and self-esteem issues
The four stages of life where my clients generally are:
- In Transition: These clients feel overwhelmed by change and need to find new meaning in their life. They seek to understand who they are and want to create new life projects. They might be traversing the mid-life crisis, going into retirement, recent divorce, changing jobs or a loss of someone close.
- Looking for a deeper sense of life: Those who generally seek, a deeper sense of meaning in their life and seem to have their lives together, but do not know exactly what their purpose in life is. They feel frustrated, feel that something is missing or are in the search of “something more.”
- The Expat spouses: These women or men, typically “wrap up” their lives to follow their spouse overseas (like me!) and seek their purpose amidst their new situation.
- Intercultural families: This work extends beyond the expat spouse and takes into account the whole family with a broader approach.
Additionally I work with groups of women in my Women Circles, where I guide them on meditation, imagery and transpersonal coaching. I assist them in fostering deeper awareness, cultivating inner wisdom, clarifying tensions, and improving mindfulness. Women who participate are able to relieve their stress, gain clarity, make decisions and enjoy more moments of daily mindfulness and balance.
What happens if you haven’t yet worked with people in my specific situation?
I’ve worked with many clients across different stages of life and cultural backgrounds. Yet, I have to share with you that if I haven’t worked with your specific situation, you’re not at a disadvantage– quite the contrary. The foundational systems and principles that I use are designed to go to the soul of the human being, to what we call “the transpersonal self,” where all the answers and solutions can be found. Together we will find what you need the most in this moment of your life.
How are you different from other “life coaches,” meditation teachers or even therapists?
I truly believe that every human being has the ability to live a full, meaningful life if he/she is aware of his/her strengths and capabilities. I focus on identifying qualities and potential.
My Find the purpose of your Life Process™ combines the best of Psychosynthesis, Meditation & Imagery and Transpersonal Coaching with my degree as a therapist. This process is enriched with my personal experience of coping with intercultural and expatriation challenges.
Read more about these three sciences here.
Through an empowering supportive problem solving approach, together I connect with the client’s inner strengths and wisdom.
I support individuals along each step of this process, allowing them to give voice to unexplored potential.
What are your Academic Credentials?
I am certified in:
- Counseling: Raffles Hospital and Psychological Care with Dr. Robert and Dr. Lim. Singapore, (2002-2006)
- Psychosynthesis practitioner: Institut Français de Psychosynthèse, Paris France (2007-2009)
- Psychosynthesis Life Coach: Synthesis Center, Amherst, USA. (2015-2016)
- Transpersonal Coach: Huntington Meditation and Imagery. New York, NY. USA. (2016)
- Clinical Meditation and Imagery Coach: Huntington Meditation and Imagery. New York, NY. USA. (2016)
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
The workshops, individual and family programs were created for all types of people seeking changes in their life. It is important, however, to have the will to grow and be serious about committing to the self-development process.
It is expected from you to be fully present during our sessions and to attend them punctually.
Does this really work?
Yes! I work with techniques that had proved their efficacy with the backing of science. The practices I offer passed the test of safety and effectiveness in hospitals, clinics, schools, wellness programs, businesses and private practices.
See my Success Stories.
Elisabetta, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to work with. How do I get started?
I’d be delighted to schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session with you. During this time I can learn more about your current situation and understand what will get you to your desired destination.